Check out these perfect silver puppies
Puppy Training methods everyone can implement!
Nanna X Cooper babies coming soon!
Gidget X Paden babies coming soon!
There education and socialization is started already! Temperament testing is done! Pick the one that is best for you!
Healthy, Beautiful, Trainable Puppies Guaranteed!
We raise the puppy that will be trained just right for you.
Raised by and ISCDT Certified Dog Trainer.
Standard Poodles Are the Best Family Dog! Standard Poodle puppies are easy to train, and love to learn. Training your poodle puppy should be a family affair.
Most dogs have fur and not hair, That means they lose as much hair as the humans in your house. Standard Poodles have hair That means You get to choose your standard Poodle Puppy's haircuts, because they need them every 6 to 8 weeks. Say goodbye to endless vacuuming. Say Hello, to a fresh clean fluffy poodle.
A Poodle can be trained to ride in a vehicle. White standard poodle puppies , red poodle, black poodle, or brown poodle.....they all love to travel.
Standard Poodle Puppies seek enrichment, so it is only natural that they like to try new things. Some of the activities our Poodles enjoy are; kayaking, hiking, bicycling, jogging, walks on the beach, and swimming.
Standard Poodles are very affectionate. They are known for matching the energy of the humans around them. When you want to curl up on the couch and read a good book, or binge a new show, Our standard poodle puppies will be happy to cuddle up.
Standard Poodle Puppies enjoy making new friends. With proper socialization they do very well in large crowds or at small family gatherings. Poodles enjoy being a companion to their human and also appreciate meeting new K9 friends.
Standard Poodle Puppies hair and not fur. Because they produce less dander they reduce the risk of having and allergic reaction.
We complete Volhard’s Puppy Temperament test on each of our puppies, so you get matched with the puppy that best suits your lifestyle. With proper puppy training your puppy will be an enjoyable part of your life.
We raise our puppies with love and affection, early neurological stimulation and lots of socialization. That means your puppy loves humans and has already in learning human-puppy communication skills.
I’m like other breeds poodles don’t wake up with an agenda. You don’t have to spend your life catering to their whims. They want to blend into your household and be a joyful part of your life.
My #1 reason I love Standard Poodle Puppies👍 They are easy to train!
If you are Looking to adopt a Standard Poodle Click on our Litter inquiries tab at the bottom of our home page!
Jim is so amazing and easy to train!
Black Poodles are Beautiful and Brilliant!
This is
Get an Already Trained Standard Poodle Puppy!
We love what we do And it shows in our puppies!
Training standard poodle puppies to Trade Behaviors for Treats and affection is what we do. It ensures that it will be a smooth transition from our home to yours as you continue the process.
Standard Poodle Puppies are so easy to train!